
Opening Hours

Mon - Fri: By Appointment Only

Q. How should I take care of my skin after waxing?

A. You can clean your skin with water and neutral soap. After cleaning you can use a soft moisturiser with no alcohol. We recommend moisturizers containing calendula or chamomile since they reduce irritation. You can reduce the risk of ingrown hair by applying a gel containing azulino.

Avoid anti-inflammatory creams or those containing alcohol, perfume or deep moisturisors. These products are not needed and they can aggravate ingrown hairs or damage the skin after waxing.

Q. Can waxing make my hair thicker?

A. Removing hair with creams or by shaving makes it thicker because the hair is cut at the surface, which makes the root stronger. During waxing, the roots of most hairs are removed which causes them to grow in finer. Over time, hair can stop growing completely in areas that are waxed regularly.

Q. Why is it more painful to have waxing treatment before and during my period?

A. Hormonal changes make your bodies more sensitive, so it’s best to avoid having waxing at this time of the month.

Q. Do you offer mens waxing services?

A. No, sorry.

Q. Why do some people get spots after waxing?

A. These spots are actually not spots, but small inflammations of the hair follicle. They are normally caused by ingrown hairs which can’t pass through the skin due to inadequate exfoliation and moisturising.